Vectric Aspire 3 0 Serial Killers

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Welcome everyone and thank you for visiting the Pageant Hub of New England and Beyond! This board was created for pageants all over the Northeast, and to discuss and share pageant matters! Serial Killers, Media Panics and the FBI (Working Classics). Visual certexam suite 3.0.1 crack keygen registration code baixar livro fisiologia linda. 'There are writers turning ponies into serial killers, sociopaths of all stripes, changeling secret agents looking only to destroy from within, invaders and walking corruptions and eldritch evils and cosmic horrors - but I'm the worst thing to ever hit this site because I'm seen as the cynical one. Oh, the horror.

An interesting piece...
This film is not mindless dribble as some would have you beleive, yet I am sure that the same people railed on Rob Zombie's gore fest House of 1000 Corpses. Yes I will admit that the plot is slightly confusing at points, where exactly did the cannibalistic semi-mutated inbred freaks come from and how are there so many of them? Likewise the sex scene is horribly overdrawn, but holds a sort of tension with the family. As for the acting BOB should receive some sort of award for his encounter with the youngest brother. The films utilization of the heavily overplayed mega-maniacal bash-brothers receives some what of a new spin in this campy flick. The father in the film reminded me, strangely, of Bruce Campbell minus all of his good acting qualities. What was left was an over acting under thinking middle aged Vietnam vet with a hell of a chip on his shoulder...heh, just a little strange. However in spite of all of its unattractive qualities Real Killers is strangely engaging, for a hack and slash shoot 'em up, non-stop action, adolescent testasterone pumper. Any fans of vintage hack and slash flicks, or an interest in independent horror films would probably get a kick out of this flick, just don't expect to much
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A very pleasant surprise - not what I was expecting!
I bought the uncut German Pal DVD of this movie as a blind buy a few months back. Looking back, I'm not sure why I purchased it - I rarely buy purely on instinct. I finally decided to watch it last night and was blown away - what an unexpected treat! I'm not going to give much away as it's one of those movies that's best viewed with little knowledge going in. What starts out as a 'Desperate Hours'-style movie soon proves a much more interesting ride.
This scores as my unexpected delight for the year. It's a low-budget gem. Some of the acting is 'love it or hate it stuff' - the writer Dave Larsen plays Odessa James as a cross between Kiefer Sutherland and Mickey Rourke and I found some of his dialogue a little unintelligible - but, ultimately, I loved the cheesy charm of this film. It's also great looking - the film's scenes are bathed in a lovely blue light in the early scenes - very stylish.
The DVD set is a 2 disc set but the second disc has only trailers and a German-language only short on it. Still, it's a great looking Disc 1 and worth the purchase price, IMHO.
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Completely outlandish and over the top! AWESOME!
hugor15 August 2008
As far as my rating goes, I'm voting on the entertainment value of the movie, and not analyzing each category of the movie as far as cinematography, special effects, dialogs and stuff of the sort might go...
The movie is just a completely amazing and over the top adventure, with outlandish plot twists, cheesy lines and dialogs. The characters are just totally unbelievable and over the top that you can't help loving them and most of the movie just feels like a completely delusional experience, but it's AWESOME! It just grips you to it, and entertains the living crap out of ya! Well, at least it made my night! I'd recommend it to any movie-watcher that just likes having a laugh, with some fun involved.
AVOID if you take films too seriously!
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Somehow this movie stuck in my mind
mmohr19 June 2005
I saw a midnight premiere of this movie in college and it quickly disappeared, but it stuck in my head long after I forgot the title, and I'm lucky I re-found it. No one in that theater knew what to expect from this movie, and it start out as everyone's worst nightmare: a cheap, clichéd crime drama. A lot of people walked out after the first 20 minutes, but I was determined to stick it through. And I'm really glad I did.
At the twist point in this movie, the horrible clichés and acting and directing of the first half feel like an amazingly underplayed setup to a punchline with actual humor and shock. Imagine 'From Dusk till Dawn' if the vampire angle hadn't been completely ruined by over promotion.
It's really rare that a movie seems to be one thing but then turns completely around halfway through into something 10x better, but this is one of those. It used the low expectations and low budget to it's own advantage and turned out a movie I never forgot.
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Deserves cult statusWarning: Spoilers
This movie is so painfully underrated that I just had to take up for how great it really is. This is a scathing, perverse horror satire that has a lot to say about American society, its illusions, and the byproduct waste of wars to keep the dream alive. And I give a SPOILER ALERT now before going further into this. There is a quote on the box that stated that this movie was probably going to be better at the point 'Natural Born Killers' was trying to make than said over-hyped movie itself. I have to say I was not let down. As the movie gets rolling, we see early on that this is, in large part, a commentary on how the mass media emphasizes so much on real-life violence that it can inspire a following for even the most vicious of killers. We meet a seemingly nice, average, all-American family who (with the exception of a pothead older daughter) seem like something out of a 'Leave It to Beaver' episode. (At least, in a more modern sense, seeing as how their addiction to constant media bombardment shows dark pleasures inside them from the start.) This film is so nihilistic and dark that the characters you're to be rooting for from the beginning have just gotten through with the brutal revenge killing of an entire family, children included, leaving no remorse whatsoever. Don't get me wrong, this is part of its charm, and if you don't dig movies like that, avoid at all costs. Still, I love it. The cynical antiheroes have excellent dialogue, and the parts are carried out just as well by screenwriter Dave Larsen and David Gunn. I'm not going to give away a lot of major spoilers, but this movie does have some confusing things happening in it. (Where does the little girl go?) I, for one, feel that a lot of confusion could be cleared up if the backers who released this would put out an uncut version with the full NINE MINUTES that they hacked out of this movie against the wishes of director Mike Mendez (who seemingly dislikes this movie mostly because of how the backers of the film altered Mendez' work so much that the film, as effective as it is, doesn't work as well as it should have as a result). Otherwise, everything else done with this comes off really well. The humor is very morbid, pitch-black, even cruel at times, but it is there all throughout the film, meaning this movie is not meant to be taken totally seriously. This should be obvious seeing as how more outrageous this film becomes with each and every frame. It does start a bit slow, but if it didn't, it wouldn't be as effective. This is a movie that works on the element of surprise, and the shocks are more shocking when you start to expect the rest of this movie to not have any. Then suddenly it hits you with one shock after another, and these shocks get more tense and frequent, with a momentum that builds up until the cynical and abrupt finality. The spoiler I'm about to include is that of how the last character standing still gets offed. At the same time, he is about ready to die, death being a relief he can no longer put off or avoid. This is definitely an excellent film by all accounts other than those that were faults more of the backers' than anyone else's. I like this film much more than Mendez' over-hyped and more juvenile 'The Convent', and as for the characters trying too hard to be cool, I really think some people ought to lighten up with how they view these movies. The antiheroic characters in this aren't trying to be cool. They just are cool, whether anyone likes it or not. Every terrible thing they do stems from how miserable they are. They're not great guys, but the reason you're supposed to like them is that they are far less contemptible than any of the other main characters. 'Real Killers' definitely deserves more attention and praise than it has gotten.
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Take a Hell Ride

Vectric Aspire 9.5

GatorMcKlusky5 November 2004
I have seen this film on my local video store shelf for years but never rented it until last night. I must say it is not what I was expecting, but I found it quite entertaining. It was one hell of a crazy trip, and every time I thought I knew what was going on there was another twist. I recommend it to those who loved the insanity of Natural Born Killers, or if you just want to try something different. Dave Larsen as Odessa displayed some great acting abilities and reminded me of Mickey Rourke back in his hay days, not to mention he looked bad ass with skeleton face make-up and wielding a shotgun. The acting by C.T. Miller as Mr. Ryan and Nanette Bianchi as Jami entertained the hell out of me, and I loved every minute of it. This movie had me cracking up from beginning to end, and was quite surprised by all the crazy twists. See this film........
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worth a watch
karenadamson13 June 2007
I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by this film too. I bought it in a bargain store today....£1 and was one of the best pounds I've ever spent. Well worth wasting away an hour or so. Almost gave up at first as one of the characters is a little irritating but I stuck with it. Some of the cinematography is excellent and it became something completely unexpected and fun in a bizarre and twisted way. It's the sort of film that you feel doesn't really know exactly what it wants to be and yet it works either in spite or because of that and as a woman I was worryingly drawn to the two brothers. Even if you don't find this film in a bargain bin somewhere it would still be worth spending a few pounds on.
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I've Seen Worse
radium_dial2 January 2006
Vectric Aspire 3 0 Serial KillersKillers
Having seen 'The Convent' years earlier, i was expecting a much more juevenile film than the one i got. What i got was a well filmed movie with much more sophisticated dialogue and plot devices than 'The Convent', but still a movie plagued with spotty acting and a B movie atmosphere.
The main thing to appreciate here is the dialogue. Like most things in a Mendez film, its quality fluctuates, but said dialogue is consistently quite good in this film, and the police shop-talk seems to have been pretty well researched, as well.
The main thing this movie is, is fun. I'm personally one of those cinephiles willing to forgive the bad elements of a film in favor of the overall vision and scope of the film. However, while i enjoyed 'Real Killers' overall, i must say that the social criticisms and commentaries felt second-hand and that the film has no real 'message' as far as I'm concerned, but more mimed and aped morals from movies the director admires. However, the story istelf is whats most prevalent in the movie, with the 'pithy' dialogue an underpinning for the whole production.
Not a terrible film, not a brilliant film. 'Real Killers' is some good B-movie fare suitable for fans of this type of genre.
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The absolute Cult Movie
weilo1 February 2003
In my opinion Mike Mendez' Killers is one of the greatest Films ever made. It might be low Budget and sometimes disturbingly freaky, but exactly that's what makes it the absolute Cult Movie for me. The Camera shots, the Music, the Actors, the Dialogues (Monologues) are totally awesome and make a weaving Atmosphere (i don't know if you say so, i just mean that it f***ing kicks a**). It's a must see for Fans of Crime and Suspense. It will jump on you, Baby, and it will stay in your Clothes!

Vectric Aspire 3.0

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Vectric Aspire 3 0 Serial Killers 1

Less fancy talk & pretension…more killing, please.
Coventry26 December 2006
Okay, I'm pretty sure that during the production of 'Killers' director Mike Mendez and writer Dave Larsen heavily dreamed of becoming the next David Lynch... or maybe even the next Quentin Tarantino, but in order to achieve this, they should have put a little more thought in their extremely weird and dumb screenplay. Just what the hell is this supposed to be? A hard-boiled thriller, a demented black comedy or perhaps another social mockamentary pointing out to us how easily we glorify violence. The title priority refers to the notorious James brothers; two handsome but relentless maniacs sentenced to death for murdering their parents. They now escaped from their maximum-security cells and travel through California, until they take a middle-class family hostage in the quiet little town of Beatty. However, the Ryan family members aren't as defenseless as they seem. The women, Mrs. Ryan and her two teenage daughters, followed the James brothers' trial on television and developed a huge crush on their perpetrators. But that's still the least of their concerns, as the family also hides far crazier secrets. The sudden plot twist near the middle is extremely retarded, but at least it woke me up again! I already started dozing off since it looked like another pseudo-intellectual portrait about serial killers that seem to have all the knowledge in the world and yet use it to commit crimes. The dialogs are fluent, but they handle about everything you already heard before (in 'Natural Born Killers') and some of the unexpected twists are really too crazy for words. There's plenty of violence but I still somehow expected 'Killers' to be more grim and sadistic. It's mainly gunfire action and shouting, so I anticipated a little more physical violence, reminiscent to – for example – the torture scenes in 'Reservoir Dogs'. The plot holes and improbabilities are too numerous to mention, but the acting performances are decent and there's even some on screen sleaze to admire as well. 'Killers' is not a total waste of time, but it's severely lacking personality and power to become a cult favorite.
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Not that bad...
Average plot. Two killers, and FBI agent and a suburban family. Only its not QUITE like that. Its two psychos, an FBI agent who has somekind of motherhood trauma and a 100% socially derrange family. And Bob... whatever Bob was...
The film wasnt half as bad as so comments would make you think. Sure, it isnt in the major league, but then again, so wasnt NBK (tough NBK was better). 70% of the ppl who slack Killers will tell you 2001 was a movie and that Matrix is a ubbertrip into self awareness... Right...
Take Killers for what it is, a whacked out movie shot on a shoestring budget. Its fun at times, its gorry at times, its just plain whacked mostly. It doesnt aspire to being the next cult B movie, but its enjoyable.
Sure the plot has holes (like the guys in the dungeon) but all in all its so funky,cheesy and bizarre it can get you to grin in a wicked way.
At points the visuals were quite nice (considering budget) and some of the dialogues/monologues WERE quite decent.
If you dont fall into the Mentally Challenged Teenager, Ubber Intelectual or Bellow Average Joe categorie, give it a go, you might actually enjoy it.
Just dont expect a masterpiece.
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Two serial killers take a suburban family hostage, but they're in for a surprise...
OdessaCG20 December 2000
It may be bad... so what? I absolutely love it.
Parts of it are hilarious because of bad acting, others because they are so farfetched, others because they don't seem to have got anything to do with the rest of the film. (why does the cop kiss the bad guy? why bob?)
But it really has some things to it. I really like the story, the music, dave larsen as Odessa James and the atmosphere. Oh, and I liked Natural Born Killers and loved From Dusk Till Dawn, so the extra serving of mindless violence did not hurt, either.
I laughed very hard while watching it, and so will you if you have a thing for bad movies... you simply have to like it :-)
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One of the Worst Movies Made in a Long, Long Time
sisyphus-1227 October 2000
Imagine this: You want to make a movie, so you: 1) find the worst actors you can; 2)write the most juvenile script you can, and pepper it with more 'f**ks' than even Brian DePalma's 'Scarface' contained (at least there they weren't gratuitous); and 3)insert some really silly sex and predictable violence for marketability. What you've just imagined is probably very close to what 'Real Killers' is--one of the worst movies made in a long, long time.
I groaned as soon as the actors opened their mouths...I knew I had rented a slickly-packaged, grade-C movie made by undertalented film students. You wouldn't believe what these filmmakers are willing to put you through. The characters in this movie give INTERMINABLE speeches, commenting on human character, society, and so forth, in what the writer clearly thought were clever turns of phrase. They aren't the least bit clever, though, and the audience is routinely assaulted by the scriptwriters' utter disrespect for brevity, and their mistaken belief that they have something insightful to say. Very little of the characters' ultra-cool, gassy expository journeys furthers the narrative one bit. Indeed, they are brick walls that the train of the narrative crashes into.
The last 15 minutes of the movie is a non-stop gunfight. I like movie gunfights as much as the next guy...this one is stupid, at best, adolescent and sadistic at worst. People are shot repeatedly without flinching, and without losing their supercool grimace of determination. In one particularly gratuitous and unwholesome scene, a woman is shot, from below, in the groin, and the bullet exits her mouth. Nice, huh?
Will this movie find an audience? Sure. Disenfranchised adolescent boys (of the Dylan and Kleebold caliber) might cozy up to this prolix gunfest.
There's a reason this 1996 movie wasn't released for so many years: It is embarrassingly awful. This movie is filmmaking at its worst.
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very bad film
dunmorkm14 October 2005
I watched this film believing that i was in for a gruesome hack and slash film, a film with no other intentions other than to scare you witless and to leave you without any fingernails on your hands (or toes, if you're into that kind of thing). Instead i watched a film that was trying to be cleaver, a film that had more monologues than Shakeseperes plays. Monologues aside the film made absolutely no sense. i was so bored with the film, that half way through i decided to fast forward it in the hope that i would see something of any entertainment value. What i saw when i came to press play was a deformed zombie-esquire woman-thing poring one of the kidnapping killers a glass of champagne, the film at this point had completely gone off the rails and gone into the realms of weirdness. The seemingly nice family (who the killers had held captive for the first half of the film)had, for no reason what so ever become sex crazed psychos intent on.......well.....revenge, i think. This film was low budget which is OK but when there is no real plot and no scary moments it just becomes offensive. I do not recommend this film unless some killers take you and your family hostage and force you to watch it.
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harshly done to
I thought it necessary to defend this movie from the mauling it was getting from reviewers it's just not that bad. It's cheap, violent and more than a little deranged but it is what it is. Yes the dialogue has regular intervals when the characters are talking tram tickets but once again what were you expecting Shakespeare. I am a fairly intellectual well grounded individual hence when I saw the cover and read the blurb I realised hmm this might not be the kind of mind expanding life changing piece of artistry that will provide fun for all the family. It is fun, with a well shot gritty artistry that works around the fact that this is done on a shoe string, yes the dialogue is occasional bad and often too wordy but there are times when It's just plain funny. It is very violent and it does revel in it but I think that a major part of the film, it is magnifying the fact that America is trying to keep cohesion in the family whilst reconciling a growing culture of violence (at least thats my view, I have been known to over think these things.) In short If your a gore hound switch your brain off enjoy the movie, ignore the faults its fun, if your a preacher watch free willy (a film only made good by micheal madsen smoking constantly throughout(watch the movie you'll understand))
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This is perhaps the worst conceived movie of all time.
engnorway23 April 2001
I actually worked on this film and it was terrible watching it get made. In fact, I kept getting told that it would look and be so much better after it had been edited. Holy s**t was that wrong. Editing actually made it worse. The script sucked, the story sucked, the directing sucked, Larsen is worse than Keanu Reeves (hard to beat), the editing was childish... do I need to go on?
I would have given it a ZERO if possible.
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It deserves a remake.
rushknight29 November 2014
Vectric Aspire 3 0 Serial Killers
This is a great example of a movie that has a lot more buried in it than what you see on it's cover. Depending on your inclinations, you'll either love it or hate it when it's twisty-turny bits start to do their thing.
There are some reviews claiming that the acting is very poor. Honestly, they are not far off. The acting is slow, and so is the development. The lines are overly written, portraying a little too much imagination in long-winded passages that are almost poetic in nature. Still, I would say that the lines are delivered with as much sense and effectiveness as the actors could have mustered up. Watch it and ask yourself, 'How would I have delivered that line?' and I suspect you will find yourself beginning to agree with the simple candor that the actors used on screen.
Also, in the case of the main protagonists, you start to realize that the excessively verbose mannerisms actually make a certain sense, and even become relevant later on as the characters begin to reveal their more interesting secrets. While the characters seem unreal at first, you start to see why they are the way they are later.
The film's biggest drawbacks are it's poor filming, slow movement, and it's highly unlikely circumstantial timing. What I mean by the timing is that events happen that leave you scratching your head and asking yourself, 'Why, when and how did this happen?' The director feels no need to answer these questions, as the film's magic is contained almost entirely in the house where the events occur. The writers felt no need to explain why the world outside kept intruding.
Lastly, the filming is all blue and moody. It's a silly method of filming, I never liked it. Stop using the filters, bring in some dang light and make a movie we can see.
I really feel like I did NOT waste my time on this one. I don't know if I can call it original in any way other than it's incredible and unusual mix of themes, but it was definitely entertaining.
And that's really the point. Entertainment. It's the bottom line of movie making. I recommend this movie, simply because it's so.. bizarre.
I really feel like this is something of a hidden gem. It deserves a redo, a more modern reiteration to work out the bugs.
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One of My Favorite Indie Horror Films!
aimeeworley197921 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
My mother and I had watched this on Showtime, I believe back in '96 or '97, right around the time it came out. It had one of the best story lines of a film on that budget and the writers, as well as the directors, are pure genius! This film is unlike anything at that time and I have seen a couple of films try, but they just couldn't pull it off. The characters are so dark & quirky and there are a few twists & turns. It is nothing I ever expected and I my I fell in love. I have not watched this film in years and it is very hard to get a hold of, but if you are lucky enough to get your hands on it, please do. This is one film that will stick with you for a long time. It stuck with me, 18 years later and counting!
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Totally whacked out fun & mayhem!
daggersineyes3 September 2013
What the hell did I just watch??? I stumbled across this Director today and liked the first film I saw of his (The Gravedancers) so much I had to look up his other movies. This one caught my eye and I'm so glad it did. I'm still reeling from that insanity but loved every moment of it. I read that he made this flick with a budget of under $100,000 and that 9 minutes of his movie were hacked off despite his objections. Yet even with those obstacles to it's success this movie still has lashings of charm and is well worth seeing.
I read a lot of reviews suggesting Mendez is trying to be Tarantino or Lynch - I disagree. He is just being Mendez. I can see from the two movies I watched that he has his very own distinct style - an insane style - but quite definitely all his own. Why do people think anyone who is 'different' is trying to be those two over-rated directors anyway? I love Tarantino's flicks and SOME of Lynch's work but they are not the be all and end all of interesting directing. There are other more talented and off-the-wall directors around and it's a little sad that they are less widely known (except among the die-hard horror/thriller fans!!). One thing's for sure, Mendez has a much wackier sense of humor than either of those two, from what I've seen so far, and doesn't take himself anywhere near as seriously (thank goodness).
In a world flooded with bland horror movies & uninspired copy-cat directors, it's always a thrill to discover one who does his own thing, even if his style may not suit everyone. We should be supporting efforts like this - keeping in mind this was a debut effort on a teeny tiny budget - regardless of it's flaws. Yes the lighting has problems, the acting was suss, the dialogue a little clunky etc etc But there is much to be admired in this movie and Mendez has won a new fan today.
SEE IT!!! And watch it with no expectations and an open-mind (and try not to read any spoilers!!). You will love it. I've given it an 8 taking into account the low low budget, the unfortunate hacking of his finished movie and his newness as a director. I hope he gets to work with a big budget and quality actors one day.
PS I loved BOB!!!!
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90 minutes closer to my death
this is bad. this is very bad. i had this recommended to me by several friend and i've cut off all subsequent communication with them in the three years since. it's that bad. the dialogue is so conveluted and eager to try to be cool that it takes on the dimensions of a beggar. The acting is probably is decent but given the material it's impossible to tell who's at fault for this train wreck. I was bored to a navel gazing introspection long before the sixty minute mark and from there it continues down hill. I'd rather watch Henry: Portrait of A Serial Killer, or Vulgar, or Natural Born Killers, or anything but beaches.
It's too bad Mike Mendez was involved hilarious budgetly challenged Bimbo Movie Bash. I wanted to like this movie but each terrible moment of celluloid was working against me.
2 out of 10 file under the category of 'so bad it skips being wonderfully bad and goes right back to just plain awful'
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don't waste your time on this garbage
Teewurstmann11 February 2003
1 out of 10 OK people, not all indie movies are cool, just because they're bad. And not all movies that most people think are bad, are just misunderstood and a secret masterpiece. Granted, there are such cases, but this is not one of them. The interesting twist that this movie COULD have HAD, totally failed.
Although I think that the end of the first Resident Evil movie was inspired by the end of 'Killers', or maybe 'Killers' was just inspired by the Resident Evil videogames...
In any case, if you want to add a comment to this movie, then watch it, otherwise: DON'T!
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its all going wrong,..
Weenola9 January 2012
I don't wanna go much into the story, just my thoughts of the movie short.
Killers is an amazing thriller/horror movie about 2 brothers who escape death row and hoping to find shelter by a true American family that is trying to achieve and live the American dream.
As soon the two brothers bust in and kidnap the family things start to go wrong, it go's all wrong, sometimes in movies things go wrong, but in Killers things go really wrong.
A great atmosphere, lots of tense and some disturbing moments make Killers a very good film with a surprising twist.
Somehow maybe underrated or misunderstood i think,..
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Classic .
plix7825 August 2007
This movie is beautiful. If you liked natural born killers a love and a 45, or reservoir dogs you'll love this. its a Lil over the top and low budget but plays out like fine wine. in the end you're left with a deep satisfaction that is just not easily found today . don't rent this if you expect sum high budget flick but if you like a good story with some good twist and zero family values get it love it embrace it.LOL. Thats about all I have to say so Ill Say it again. This movie is beautiful. If you liked natural born killers a love and a 45, or reservoir dogs you'll love this. its a Lil over the top and low budget but plays out like fine wine. in the end you're left with a deep satisfaction that is just not easily found today . don't rent this if you expect sum high budget flick but if you like a good story with some good twist and zero family values get it love it embrace it.LOL. Thats about all I have to say so Ill Say it again.
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excellent film
fleshwound13 April 2003
i saw this movie years ago and still love it today. we actually bought it because it was so good. the story is quite strange, the plot just keeps getting more odd. the characters are awesome though. you never know what insanity will happen next. i'd put it in the B movie category, but that is a good thing to me. B movies are excellent.. and as far this film goes, it's at the top of my B movie list! if you watch this film and have even a shred of sense of humor, you will like it. i promise!
The Convent is another film directed by Mike Mendez. This one is excellent as well. Has a lot of the same qualities as Real Killers did. that same insanity, that same eerie feel. if you liked Real Killers, you will like the Convent also!
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Great First Effort
ryow132 February 2003
This was the filmmakers first film. It was shot for less than 100,000 dollars, but Mike Mendez was able to show that he is a talent to be respected. The dialogue was interesting, the visuals were great, and the acting was excellent for the price. I don't think many could do much better in the price range.
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